The patchset seems incomplete: 8339cae23d79be97a38df3852ef5dab870806a58 should add speculative control CPUID support for guests but only the AMD part is here. When running a guest on top of KVM, CPUID doesn't contain the spec-ctrl bit.
I am using this patch instead: https://github.com/exoscale/pkg-kernel-4.4/blob/4d0b19ad0379ba20846634e21ec01922222a9326/debian/patches/ibrs%2Bkvm/27-kvm-x86-add-speculative-control-cpuid-support-for-guests.patch
It also needs the following patch: https://github.com/exoscale/pkg-kernel-4.4/blob/4d0b19ad0379ba20846634e21ec01922222a9326/debian/patches/ibrs%2Bkvm/32-x86-provide-get-scattered-cpuid-leaf.patch
The patchset seems incomplete: 8339cae23d79be9 7a38df3852ef5da b870806a58 should add speculative control CPUID support for guests but only the AMD part is here. When running a guest on top of KVM, CPUID doesn't contain the spec-ctrl bit.
I am using this patch instead: /github. com/exoscale/ pkg-kernel- 4.4/blob/ 4d0b19ad0379ba2 0846634e21ec019 22222a9326/ debian/ patches/ ibrs%2Bkvm/ 27-kvm- x86-add- speculative- control- cpuid-support- for-guests. patch
It also needs the following patch: /github. com/exoscale/ pkg-kernel- 4.4/blob/ 4d0b19ad0379ba2 0846634e21ec019 22222a9326/ debian/ patches/ ibrs%2Bkvm/ 32-x86- provide- get-scattered- cpuid-leaf. patch