The a bisection between v4.11 to v4.12-rc1 is needed.
Here's the step
$ sudo apt build-dep linux
$ git clone git://
$ cd linux
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect good v4.11
$ git bisect bad v4.12-rc1
$ make localmodconfig
$ make -j`nproc` deb-pkg
Install the newly built kernel.
If the issue still happens,
$ git bisect bad
$ git bisect good
Repeat to "make -j`nproc` deb-pkg" until you find the commit that causes the regression.
The a bisection between v4.11 to v4.12-rc1 is needed.
Here's the step kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/torvalds/ linux.git
$ sudo apt build-dep linux
$ git clone git://git.
$ cd linux
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect good v4.11
$ git bisect bad v4.12-rc1
$ make localmodconfig
$ make -j`nproc` deb-pkg
Install the newly built kernel.
If the issue still happens,
$ git bisect bad
$ git bisect good
Repeat to "make -j`nproc` deb-pkg" until you find the commit that causes the regression.