3840ed9548f778717aaab5eab744da798c3ea055 (rebased), whose content is equivalent to e63a94f12b5fc67b2b92a89d4058e7a9021e900e, also now fails.
So whatever is different here between the working and failing builds has to do with more than just the git content.
Joe, can you give me a step-by-step guide for how you prepare each build from git during the bisect? I've definitely missed something in my builds, because I've just looked at my initrd for the latest build and find that it's missing the i915.ko module... and that this module isn't even included in the linux-image-4.13.0-041300-generic package. So all of the test results from kernels I built are certainly suspect.
3840ed9548f7787 17aaab5eab744da 798c3ea055 (rebased), whose content is equivalent to e63a94f12b5fc67 b2b92a89d4058e7 a9021e900e, also now fails.
So whatever is different here between the working and failing builds has to do with more than just the git content.
Joe, can you give me a step-by-step guide for how you prepare each build from git during the bisect? I've definitely missed something in my builds, because I've just looked at my initrd for the latest build and find that it's missing the i915.ko module... and that this module isn't even included in the linux-image- 4.13.0- 041300- generic package. So all of the test results from kernels I built are certainly suspect.