Comment 44 for bug 1724911

Revision history for this message
Joseph Salisbury (jsalisbury) wrote :

I also built a test kernel up to commit 3840ed9 again. This kernel should fix the bug since it's the last commit added by by the merge base:

commit e63a94f12b5fc67b2b92a89d4058e7a9021e900e
tree 9fddf35df3289bd41c2310937bf2faed4d036603
parent 1a3b85ea36d38d5732fdd86b321b10bcaeb53512
parent 3840ed9548f778717aaab5eab744da798c3ea055
author Linus Torvalds <email address hidden> 1504632648 -0700
committer Linus Torvalds <email address hidden> 1504632648 -0700
mergetag object 3840ed9548f778717aaab5eab744da798c3ea055
 type commit
 tag tty-4.14-rc1
 tagger Greg Kroah-Hartman <email address hidden> 1504542898 +0200

 TTY/Serial updates for 4.14-rc1

The merge has commit 1a3b85ea as the first parent and commit 3840ed9 as the second parent, so all the commits added by the merge should be between these two commits.

git describe --contains 1a3b85e

git describe --contains 3840ed9

And the merge:
git describe --contains e63a94f

If a test kernel up to commit e63a94f fixes the bug, then a test kernel up to commit 3840ed9 should as well. If it does not, then I'll have to dig much deeper.

Commit e63a94f is a child of commit 3840ed9:

commit 3840ed9548f778717aaab5eab744da798c3ea055
Author: Miodrag Dinic <email address hidden> 2017-08-29 09:53:20
Committer: Greg Kroah-Hartman <email address hidden> 2017-08-31 12:58:45
Parent: 7157d2be23da9f8860c69e2b79184a4e02701dad (tty: goldfish: Use streaming DMA for r/w operations on Ranchu platforms)
Child: e63a94f12b5fc67b2b92a89d4058e7a9021e900e (Merge tag 'tty-4.14-rc1' of git://
Branches: master, remotes/next/akpm, remotes/next/akpm-base, remotes/next/master, remotes/next/stable, remotes/origin/master
Follows: v4.13-rc5
Precedes: v4.14-rc1

    tty: goldfish: Implement support for kernel 'earlycon' parameter

Test kernels can be found at:

