------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-08-10 10:41 EDT------- Aneesh has additional Radix performance fixes (3 more total):
https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/?id=424de9c6e3f89399fc11afc1f53f89c5329132da ("powerpc/mm/radix: Avoid flushing the PWC on every flush_tlb_range") . https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/?id=a46cc7a90fd8d95bfbb2b27080efe872a1a51db4 ("powerpc/mm/radix: Improve TLB/PWC flushes") . https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/?id=5ce5fe14ed0302315061cf97ce67accd1b25b938 ("powerpc/mm/radix: Improve _tlbiel_pid to be usable for PWC flushes")
(upstream, currently scheduled for 4.14)
Can these be included in Zesty as well?
FYI the first set of 3 patches mentioned in the orig bug report helps anywhere from 40% up to 3.5X on unixbench fork/exec testcases. I will post updated numbers for this second set of 3 fixes soon.
------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2017-08-10 10:41 EDT-------
Aneesh has additional Radix performance fixes (3 more total):
https:/ /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/next/ linux-next. git/commit/ ?id=424de9c6e3f 89399fc11afc1f5 3f89c5329132da /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/next/ linux-next. git/commit/ ?id=a46cc7a90fd 8d95bfbb2b27080 efe872a1a51db4 /git.kernel. org/pub/ scm/linux/ kernel/ git/next/ linux-next. git/commit/ ?id=5ce5fe14ed0 302315061cf97ce 67accd1b25b938
("powerpc/mm/radix: Avoid flushing the PWC on every flush_tlb_range")
("powerpc/mm/radix: Improve TLB/PWC flushes")
("powerpc/mm/radix: Improve _tlbiel_pid to be usable for PWC flushes")
(upstream, currently scheduled for 4.14)
Can these be included in Zesty as well?
FYI the first set of 3 patches mentioned in the orig bug report helps anywhere from 40% up to 3.5X on unixbench fork/exec testcases. I will post updated numbers for this second set of 3 fixes soon.