Comment 11 for bug 1684010

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Traumflug (mah-jump-ing) wrote :

A few additional debugging bits:

- Here this typically happens when watching video. As if some memory region gets exhausted after viewing some 100'000 frames.

- I've seen the mouse freezing once, typically it stays movable.

- Audio continues while video freezes.

- I've seen Firefox going <defunct> (in that short time between the first application freezing and everything else freezing, too).

- With everything frozen, no login via SSH possible. PC simply doesn't answer over Ethernet. Switching to another console (ctrl-alt-F1) isn't possible, either.

- Judging by CPU fan noise, one core (of two) typically gets 100% load.

I just installed the kernel I found in the regular package repo and will report back how long it works without freeze. My freeze experience so far was with