Kernel 4.4.0-59.80 pushed to cloud and MAAS images and retested on failing systems.
Failing systems continue to fail
Unexpected error while running command. Command: ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'custom'] Exit code: 3 Reason: - Stdout: b"no disk with serial 'CVMD51530020400AGN' found\n" Stderr: ''
Kernel 4.4.0-59.80 pushed to cloud and MAAS images and retested on failing systems.
Failing systems continue to fail
Unexpected error while running command. 0AGN' found\n"
Command: ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'custom']
Exit code: 3
Reason: -
Stdout: b"no disk with serial 'CVMD5153002040
Stderr: ''