I tested on my nvme system with the boot param 'maxcpus=0' (i.e. UP mode), the boot fails with kernel 4.4.0-57, because the nvme drive fails enumeration, with the error from comment 2. With the 4.4.0-57 kernel including my nvme patch, and using boot param 'maxcpus=0', the boot succeeds. The patched kernel is at this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ddstreet/+archive/ubuntu/lp1651602
the patch fixes a bug introduced by my previous commit 96fce9e4025b ("NVMe: only setup MSIX once")
which is only currently included in Xenial, so this patch only needs to be applied to Xenial.
I tested on my nvme system with the boot param 'maxcpus=0' (i.e. UP mode), the boot fails with kernel 4.4.0-57, because the nvme drive fails enumeration, with the error from comment 2. With the 4.4.0-57 kernel including my nvme patch, and using boot param 'maxcpus=0', the boot succeeds. The patched kernel is at this ppa: /launchpad. net/~ddstreet/ +archive/ ubuntu/ lp1651602
and the patch is here: /lists. ubuntu. com/archives/ kernel- team/2016- December/ 081637. html
the patch fixes a bug introduced by my previous commit 96fce9e4025b ("NVMe: only setup MSIX once")
which is only currently included in Xenial, so this patch only needs to be applied to Xenial.