Comment 0 for bug 1532571

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

When building the test environment for subiquity I end up with an image I can run with qemu/kvm.
And I realized that this works fine with the Trusty kernel (Host), but when running on trusty+hwe-t (4.2.0-23-generic) it reliably crashes my host (not only the guest).

On the good side it seems
1. 1005 reproducible
2. always the same issue

The Commandline I run is:
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -smp 2 -m 1024 -enable-kvm -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd -drive snapshot=on,format=raw,cache=unsafe,if=ide,file=ubuntu-server-daily-wily-amd64-installer.img,serial=QM_INSTALL_01 -drive format=raw,cache=unsafe,if=ide,file=target.img_1,serial=QM_TARGET_01 -drive format=raw,cache=unsafe,if=virtio,file=target.img_2,serial=QM_TARGET_02 -drive format=raw,cache=unsafe,if=virtio,file=target.img_3,serial=QM_TARGET_03 -drive format=raw,cache=unsafe,if=virtio,file=target.img_4,serial=QM_TARGET_04 -global isa-fdc.driveA= -net user -net nic,model=e1000 -net nic,model=virtio -net nic,model=i82559er -monitor telnet:,server,nowait -serial stdio

I'll attach what I've seen in dmesg, let me know if you need any more debug data.

If one provides me a upload target I can share the image I boot (2GB).