We found under some extreme system usage that comment #2 can fix the problem.
Run some application/operation (e.g: Play youtube on background, launch libreoffice for awhile (about 5-10min) or insert USB to copy some files : The touchpad cursor were no function after some operation, sometime it scrolling automatically or keep send press signal.
Without the patch of comment #2, when the issue occurred we also check the touchpad event on ttyl1 by "evtest", we can found the event keeping output without move cursor/click touchpad.
Our observation is the HiDPI platform may have more loading cause this issue and sometimes its also cause xorg crash.
We found under some extreme system usage that comment #2 can fix the problem.
Run some application/ operation (e.g: Play youtube on background, launch libreoffice for awhile (about 5-10min) or insert USB to copy some files : The touchpad cursor were no function after some operation, sometime it scrolling automatically or keep send press signal.
Without the patch of comment #2, when the issue occurred we also check the touchpad event on ttyl1 by "evtest", we can found the event keeping output without move cursor/click touchpad.
Our observation is the HiDPI platform may have more loading cause this issue and sometimes its also cause xorg crash.