I believe I just tripped this bug; I compressed some qcow2 images using this:
for f in sec-{lucid,precise,quantal,saucy,trusty}-{amd64,i386} ; do echo $f ; qemu-img convert -s pristine -p -f qcow2 -O qcow2 $f.qcow2 reclaimed.qcow2 ; mv reclaimed.qcow2 $f.qcow2 ; virsh snapshot-delete $f --snapshotname pristine ; uvt snapshot $f ; done
The 'uvt snapshot' command makes a snapshot named 'pristine'.
AMD64 guests: sec-lucid-amd64 booted without trouble.
sec-precise-amd64 reports: Booting from Hard Disk... Boot failed: not a booktable disk
No bootable device.
sec-quantal-amd64 reports: Booting from Hard Disk... error; file `/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. grub rescue>
sec-saucy-amd64 reports: Booting from Hard Disk... error: file `/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. Entering rescue mode... grub rescue>
sec-trusty-amd64 reports: Booting from Hard Disk... Boot failed: not a bootable disk
i386 guests:
sec-lucid-i386, sec-precise-i386, sec-quantal-i386, sec-saucy-i386 all booted fine.
sec-trusty-i386 reports: Booting from Hard Disk... Boot failed: not a bootable disk
I use the i386 VMs significantly less often than the amd64 VMs.
I believe I just tripped this bug; I compressed some qcow2 images using this:
for f in sec-{lucid, precise, quantal, saucy,trusty} -{amd64, i386} ;
do echo $f ;
qemu-img convert -s pristine -p -f qcow2 -O qcow2 $f.qcow2 reclaimed.qcow2 ;
mv reclaimed.qcow2 $f.qcow2 ;
virsh snapshot-delete $f --snapshotname pristine ;
uvt snapshot $f ;
The 'uvt snapshot' command makes a snapshot named 'pristine'.
AMD64 guests:
sec-lucid-amd64 booted without trouble.
sec-precise-amd64 reports:
Booting from Hard Disk...
Boot failed: not a booktable disk
No bootable device.
sec-quantal-amd64 reports: grub/i386- pc/normal. mod' not found.
Booting from Hard Disk...
error; file `/boot/
grub rescue>
sec-saucy-amd64 reports: grub/i386- pc/normal. mod' not found.
Booting from Hard Disk...
error: file `/boot/
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>
sec-trusty-amd64 reports:
Booting from Hard Disk...
Boot failed: not a bootable disk
No bootable device.
i386 guests:
sec-lucid-i386, sec-precise-i386, sec-quantal-i386, sec-saucy-i386 all booted fine.
sec-trusty-i386 reports:
Booting from Hard Disk...
Boot failed: not a bootable disk
No bootable device.
I use the i386 VMs significantly less often than the amd64 VMs.