The appropriate patch set seems to be this lot, in this order:
1f5083c357aa86564d487f6450f410ca42bc1b6a hv: Add hyperv.h to uapi headers
0ac1e18e5d719e10b20332855f8ba2ca25a217db Drivers: hv: vmbus: Extract the mmio information from DSDT
4933c7c5a3413e377f7cf1b89f7d770c885b11ce vmbus: add missing breaks
fdbdfb294614aec15c6cafa6965fed060f6ca1a6 vmbus: use resource for hyperv mmio region
90b0df0b5f875ce1cfbad63d2260519795d87df8 hyperv-fb: add support for generation 2 virtual machines.
2b139333a194d3b3e82f72fed616554478df4d77 hyperv-fb: kick off efifb early
The appropriate patch set seems to be this lot, in this order:
1f5083c357a a86564d487f6450 f410ca42bc1b6a hv: Add hyperv.h to uapi headers 19e10b20332855f 8ba2ca25a217db Drivers: hv: vmbus: Extract the mmio information from DSDT 13e377f7cf1b89f 7d770c885b11ce vmbus: add missing breaks 4aec15c6cafa696 5fed060f6ca1a6 vmbus: use resource for hyperv mmio region 75ce1cfbad63d22 60519795d87df8 hyperv-fb: add support for generation 2 virtual machines. 4d3b3e82f72fed6 16554478df4d77 hyperv-fb: kick off efifb early