New Deb-File look here:
Use in terminal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:blaze/rtbth-dkms sudo apt-get update
and look in synaptic for package rtbth-dkms and install it
or load and install it here
On the first link there is the source link to GitHub
On you can read:
# Init sudo modprobe rtbth sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth hcitool dev # check
i typed it in terminal and everything works.
New Deb-File look here: https:/ /launchpad. net/~blaze/ +archive/ ubuntu/ rtbth-dkms
Use in terminal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:blaze/ rtbth-dkms sudo apt-get update
and look in synaptic for package rtbth-dkms and install it
or load and install it here https:/ /launchpad. net/~blaze/ +archive/ ubuntu/ rtbth-dkms/ +packages
On the first link there is the source link to GitHub https:/ /github. com/loimu/ rtbth-dkms
On you can read:
# Init sudo modprobe rtbth
sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth
hcitool dev # check
i typed it in terminal and everything works.