>>We (Ubuntu kernel team) have been evaluating CFQ vs deadline. For this specific bug report, we need some hard facts to make a >>decision about changing to deadline IO scheduler. For example, any test case or sequence we can reproduce easily.
Here is comparison of CFQ vs Deadline http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lnxinfo/v3r0m0/topic/liaat/liaatbpdeadline.htm
>>We (Ubuntu kernel team) have been evaluating CFQ vs deadline. For this specific bug report, we need some hard facts to make a >>decision about changing to deadline IO scheduler. For example, any test case or sequence we can reproduce easily.
Here is comparison of CFQ vs Deadline publib. boulder. ibm.com/ infocenter/ lnxinfo/ v3r0m0/ topic/liaat/ liaatbpdeadline .htm