sudo apt-get install iasl #install iasl compiler
cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > dsdt.dat #extract your current dsdt to a file
iasl -d dsdt.dat #disassemble the dsdt,this will create a file dsdt.dsl
iasl -tc dsdt.dsl #recompile the dsdt and check possible error/warning
for the 18sec delay:
open in a text editor your dsdt.dsl and search the function called "Sleep" in the section "Device (EC0)":
Sleep (0x2710) change the value to (0x3E8)
Sleep (0x1F40) change the value to (0x3E8)
sudo apt-get install iasl #install iasl compiler
cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > dsdt.dat #extract your current dsdt to a file
iasl -d dsdt.dat #disassemble the dsdt,this will create a file dsdt.dsl
iasl -tc dsdt.dsl #recompile the dsdt and check possible error/warning
if you see some error/warning, edit dsdt.dsl with any text editor www.cpqlinux. com/acpi- howto.html# fix_broken_ dsdt your error/warnig and fix it.
search on google and http://
for the 18sec delay:
open in a text editor your dsdt.dsl and search the function called "Sleep" in the section "Device (EC0)":
Sleep (0x2710) change the value to (0x3E8)
Sleep (0x1F40) change the value to (0x3E8)
recompile dsdt again.
install with initramfs: tools/DSDT. aml img-`uname -r`
sudo cp dsdt.aml /etc/initramfs-
sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.
good luck