I'm using the new iwl3945 module in this manner:
- I've blacklisted both modules (ipw3945 and iwl3945) in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, so they
will not included in the initrd under /boot dir which caused some startup problems.
- Executed sudo update-initramfs -uv
- Removed lines about old eth1 in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules which lock the
macaddress of our wifi card.
- Added iwl3945 to /etc/modules
- Reboot
I'm using the new iwl3945 module in this manner:
- I've blacklisted both modules (ipw3945 and iwl3945) in /etc/modprobe. d/blacklist, so they rules.d/ 70-persistent- net.rules which lock the
will not included in the initrd under /boot dir which caused some startup problems.
- Executed sudo update-initramfs -uv
- Removed lines about old eth1 in /etc/udev/
macaddress of our wifi card.
- Added iwl3945 to /etc/modules
- Reboot
I hope this helps you