Ezechiel: According to http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.22.y.git;a=blob;f=drivers/usb/storage/unusual_devs.h;h=54979c239c6329d7382176e7996a5384c371b160;hb=HEAD the support for the Coolpix 2000 is also in the 2.6.22 kernel. If you didn't update the firmware of you camera recently, then the problem is probably something else...
Ezechiel: According to git.kernel. org/?p= linux/kernel/ git/stable/ linux-2. 6.22.y. git;a=blob; f=drivers/ usb/storage/ unusual_ devs.h; h=54979c239c632 9d7382176e7996a 5384c371b160; hb=HEAD
the support for the Coolpix 2000 is also in the 2.6.22 kernel. If you
didn't update the firmware of you camera recently, then the problem is
probably something else...