got a coolpix2000
I've got this camera since 2003 now. It always worked on any distribution. So why does it not work with 7.10 anymore.
Couldn't you take a little more care not to break things?
this is the third time in a half of an year that things that worked for years suddenly do not work anymore.
never experienced this problems on suse, redhat, knoppix
I'm kind of disappointed
got a coolpix2000
I've got this camera since 2003 now. It always worked on any distribution. So why does it not work with 7.10 anymore.
Couldn't you take a little more care not to break things?
this is the third time in a half of an year that things that worked for years suddenly do not work anymore.
never experienced this problems on suse, redhat, knoppix
I'm kind of disappointed