Comment 17 for bug 115275

Revision history for this message
IVIisterX (doellies) wrote :

Hello alltogether!

I have some new knowledges in the case of the freezes.

Without any changes at the "Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Alternate"-installation my machine freezes with the Kernel 2.6.20-15-generic, 2.6.20-16-generic and 2.6.20-16-386.

To get more stability I have to change

1. The Bios-Setting ACPI 2.0 support from disabled to enabled.
2. Uninstall powernowd
3. Install the ATI-driver 8.39.4

With these settings and Kernel 2.6.20-15-generic my machine runs without any freezes; with the kernels 2.6.20-16-generic and 2.6.20-16-386 my machine freezes within 30 minutes max.

If I add the additional kernel parameters noapic nolapic irqpoll ht=on my machine freezes a few minutes after reboot with various programs.
If I uninstall the restricted graphics driver my machine freezes a few minutes after disabling and with all kernels above-mentioned and various programs.

While I am writing this comment I test the "sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop" with kernel 2.6.20-16-generic - it still works; this trick was posted from Riccardo Lucchese at
respectively at

Best regards