lör 2007-10-20 klockan 21:02 +0000 skrev Pradeep Varadarajan: > I have the intel PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN card. Would it be related?
Might be, it's the same driver.
Can you please describe your issue in detail, and try booting with and without the wireless switch on?
-- <email address hidden>
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
lör 2007-10-20 klockan 21:02 +0000 skrev Pradeep Varadarajan:
> I have the intel PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN card. Would it be related?
Might be, it's the same driver.
Can you please describe your issue in detail, and try booting with and
without the wireless switch on?
<email address hidden>
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose