* tg3: Backport from 2.6.16.y - LP: #72696
This commit e69ba3b0afb86cc326f26ef5182e3fac6b346451 actually removes the 5575 support that was added in commit c91d48dd784f9f142bef5a84a66df618c4a64152 and would fix LP #72696.
* tg3: Backport from 2.6.16.y
- LP: #72696
This commit e69ba3b0afb86cc 326f26ef5182e3f ac6b346451 actually removes the 5575 support that was added in commit c91d48dd784f9f1 42bef5a84a66df6 18c4a64152 and would fix LP #72696.