* New upstream release (LP: #1925522).
- Fixed an issue with the NSCQ library that caused clients such as
DCGM to fail to load the library. Since the NSCQ library version
needs to match the driver version, the user would encounter a
version mismatch issue when using DCGM.
- Fixed an ECC policy that caused a CUDA malloc failure after
encountering a single uncorrectable error.
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Fri, 21 May 2021 15:44:11 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package nvidia- graphics- drivers- 450-server - 450.119. 04-0ubuntu0. 21.04.2
--------------- graphics- drivers- 450-server (450.119. 04-0ubuntu0. 21.04.2) hirsute; urgency=medium
* debian/ templates/ {dkms_nvidia. conf.in| dkms.conf. fragment. in}:
- Remove block on uvm on Linux >= 5.10.
nvidia- graphics- drivers- 450-server (450.119. 04-0ubuntu0. 21.04.1) hirsute; urgency=medium
* New upstream release (LP: #1925522).
- Fixed an issue with the NSCQ library that caused clients such as
DCGM to fail to load the library. Since the NSCQ library version
needs to match the driver version, the user would encounter a
version mismatch issue when using DCGM.
- Fixed an ECC policy that caused a CUDA malloc failure after
encountering a single uncorrectable error.
-- Alberto Milone <email address hidden> Fri, 21 May 2021 15:44:11 +0200