Could you paste the output of
cat /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common
into this bug report (no need to attach it as the output should be only 12 lines).
Could you restart the system and go to recovery mode (don't run apt). Choose that you want a terminal and then run the following:
Cesar: linux-restricte d-modules- common
Could you paste the output of
cat /etc/default/
into this bug report (no need to attach it as the output should be only 12 lines).
Could you restart the system and go to recovery mode (don't run apt). Choose that you want a terminal and then run the following:
ls -ra /lib/modules/ 2.6.24- 17-generic/ volatile > ls-volatile.txt
sudo modprobe --ignore-install nvidia_new > modprobe.output 2>&1
sudo chown $USER modprobe.output ls-volatile.txt
sudo reboot
And then upload modprobe.output and ls-volatile.txt to this bug report?