The tty atomic_write_lock does not provide an exclusion guarantee for
the tty driver if the termios settings are LECHO & !OPOST. And since
it is unexpected and not allowed to call TTY buffer helpers like
tty_insert_flip_string concurrently, this may lead to crashes when
concurrect writers call pty_write. In that case the following two
* the ECHOing from a workqueue and
* pty_write from the process
race and can overflow the corresponding TTY buffer like follows.
If we look into tty_insert_flip_string_fixed_flag, there is:
int space = __tty_buffer_request_room(port, goal, flags);
struct tty_buffer *tb = port->buf.tail;
memcpy(char_buf_ptr(tb, tb->used), chars, space);
tb->used += space;
so the race of the two can result in something like this:
__tty_buffer_request_room __tty_buffer_request_room
memcpy(buf(tb->used), ...)
tb->used += space; memcpy(buf(tb->used), ...) ->BOOM
B's memcpy is past the tty_buffer due to the previous A's tb->used
Since the N_TTY line discipline input processing can output
concurrently with a tty write, obtain the N_TTY ldisc output_lock to
serialize echo output with normal tty writes. This ensures the tty
buffer helper tty_insert_flip_string is not called concurrently and
everything is fine.
Note that this is nicely reproducible by an ordinary user using
forkpty and some setup around that (raw termios + ECHO). And it is
exploitable in kernels at least after commit
d945cb9cce20ac7143c2de8d88b187f62db99bdc (pty: Rework the pty layer to
use the normal buffering logic) in 2.6.31-rc3.
js: add more info to the commit log
js: switch to bool
The tty atomic_write_lock does not provide an exclusion guarantee for flip_string concurrently, this may lead to crashes when
the tty driver if the termios settings are LECHO & !OPOST. And since
it is unexpected and not allowed to call TTY buffer helpers like
concurrect writers call pty_write. In that case the following two
* the ECHOing from a workqueue and
* pty_write from the process
race and can overflow the corresponding TTY buffer like follows.
If we look into tty_insert_ flip_string_ fixed_flag, there is: request_ room(port, goal, flags); char_buf_ ptr(tb, tb->used), chars, space);
int space = __tty_buffer_
struct tty_buffer *tb = port->buf.tail;
tb->used += space;
so the race of the two can result in something like this: request_ room
_ _tty_buffer_ request_ room buf(tb- >used), ...)
memcpy( buf(tb- >used), ...) ->BOOM
tb->used += space;
B's memcpy is past the tty_buffer due to the previous A's tb->used
Since the N_TTY line discipline input processing can output flip_string is not called concurrently and
concurrently with a tty write, obtain the N_TTY ldisc output_lock to
serialize echo output with normal tty writes. This ensures the tty
buffer helper tty_insert_
everything is fine.
Note that this is nicely reproducible by an ordinary user using 143c2de8d88b187 f62db99bdc (pty: Rework the pty layer to
forkpty and some setup around that (raw termios + ECHO). And it is
exploitable in kernels at least after commit
use the normal buffering logic) in 2.6.31-rc3.
js: add more info to the commit log
js: switch to bool
Reported- and-tested- by: Jiri Slaby <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Peter Hurley <email address hidden>
Signed-off-by: Jiri Slaby <email address hidden>
Cc: Alan Cox <email address hidden>