We've got a workaround for this, though it's hard work and is not viable as an alternative. It's just for urgent installations (as was ours). I put it here just in case someone else wants to do as we did.
We downloaded the Live CD of Maverick Meerkat and used that to boot. The kernel in Maverick (2.6.34-something) detects correctly the disks. We launched a terminal and partitioned our target system, mounting the target installation under /mnt/target. Then we debootstrapped Lucid into it, like this:
debootstrap lucid /mnt/target
(a local mirror or proxy helps a lot, especially if you're making several installations)
Then we chrooted into /mnt/target (mounting previously /dev and /proc) and did this:
(there's a linux-image-2.6.35-something available, but we used 2.6.34 because it's supposed to be the stable release)
This also pulled and installed grub, but YMMV. We also installed lvm2 because that's what we used for the system, but depends on your setup. Note that we didn't use any Maverick packages: the kernel-ppa repository has kernels for Lucid, even if newer than the ones in the release.
After that, we changed the chroot's root password (or you'll have a nice bootable system that you can't log into :-)) and rebooted. The system booted with Lucid and kernel 2.6.34, detecting the RAID perfectly.
We've got a workaround for this, though it's hard work and is not viable as an alternative. It's just for urgent installations (as was ours). I put it here just in case someone else wants to do as we did.
We downloaded the Live CD of Maverick Meerkat and used that to boot. The kernel in Maverick (2.6.34-something) detects correctly the disks. We launched a terminal and partitioned our target system, mounting the target installation under /mnt/target. Then we debootstrapped Lucid into it, like this:
debootstrap lucid /mnt/target
(a local mirror or proxy helps a lot, especially if you're making several installations)
Then we chrooted into /mnt/target (mounting previously /dev and /proc) and did this:
apt-get install python- software- properties 2.6.34- 5-server
add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-image-
(there's a linux-image- 2.6.35- something available, but we used 2.6.34 because it's supposed to be the stable release)
This also pulled and installed grub, but YMMV. We also installed lvm2 because that's what we used for the system, but depends on your setup. Note that we didn't use any Maverick packages: the kernel-ppa repository has kernels for Lucid, even if newer than the ones in the release.
After that, we changed the chroot's root password (or you'll have a nice bootable system that you can't log into :-)) and rebooted. The system booted with Lucid and kernel 2.6.34, detecting the RAID perfectly.