Don-t know why it runs randomly: probably a bug in the iwl3945 driver
My configuration is ok (20 reboot) with the following option:
- Wifi-catcher enabled and no change in the wifi bios options
- noapic enabled in the grub file (/boot/grub/menu.lst
- no ndiswrapper
- linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic installed through apt
Don-t know why it runs randomly: probably a bug in the iwl3945 driver grub/menu. lst -modules- hardy-generic installed through apt
My configuration is ok (20 reboot) with the following option:
- Wifi-catcher enabled and no change in the wifi bios options
- noapic enabled in the grub file (/boot/
- no ndiswrapper
- linux-backports
hope it will help