Same problem, 13.04 fresh install. I have been trying to solve this bug for ages, the only workaround that has worked for me is to use GDM, not ideal, I have tried #39, since the set up is similar to mine, nvidia graphics and SSD, will report back with findings. At least we can work around it, but for some reason when I enable GDM a lot of programs like ubuntu one and the terminal from unity were removed.
Same problem, 13.04 fresh install. I have been trying to solve this bug for ages, the only workaround that has worked for me is to use GDM, not ideal, I have tried #39, since the set up is similar to mine, nvidia graphics and SSD, will report back with findings. At least we can work around it, but for some reason when I enable GDM a lot of programs like ubuntu one and the terminal from unity were removed.
Not sure if those two are somehow related.