* New upstream release. (UVFe LP: #145326)
* Version 1.4.3b (Stable)
- Fixes a data loss problem that causes flagged
items to be dropped out of cache. Normally
flagged items are never to be dropped.
(reported by Keith Curtis)
* Version 1.4.3 (Stable)
- Fixes a grave bug that caused continuous feed
downloads when the default update interval is
set to 0, which is to mean disabled.
- Fixes assertions in db_item_check() and db_query_to_sql() for search
folders that do not have rules. (reported by pochu)
- Fixes SF #1798880: problem when using Ctrl-u
inside a search folder matching unread items. (LP: #102161)
- Fixes Debian #430782: better handling of RSS 2.0
LiveJournal feeds which use lj: prefix for some
HTML elements. (reported by Daniel Jacobowitz)
- Fixes SF #1799476: crash when following links.
(reported by jphendrix) (LP: #141250)
Version 1.4.2b (Stable)
- Fixes compilation problems of GtkHTML2 rendering.
- Fixes SF #1798158: problem with 'mark as read'
option in popup window (reported by zodmaner)
- Now removes leading/trailing white spaces from
feed list node titles. (patch from Christian Dywan)
- Fixes broken HTTP authentication. Auth info was
just not passed with HTTP requests. (reported
by Jim Henderson)
- Fixes Debian #442798: update interval values
isn't correctly updated. Interval unit is lost.
(reported by Yannick Palanque)
* Merge with Debian, remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ Added firefox-dev and intltool to build-deps.
+ Removed libxul-dev from build-deps.
+ Changed Maintainer field to match DebianMaintainerSpec.
+ Added firefox to liferea dependencies.
+ Do not build transitional packages (not required due to Conflicts/ Provides/Replaces)
- debian/rules:
+ Call intltool-update -p to generate translation template for Rosetta
+ Call dh_iconcache
+ Don't disable gecko
- debian/patches/00list:
+ Do not apply expand_treeview.dpatch, since it's fixed since 1.4.2.
liferea (1.4.3b-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (UVFe LP: #145326)
* Version 1.4.3b (Stable)
- Fixes a data loss problem that causes flagged
items to be dropped out of cache. Normally
flagged items are never to be dropped.
(reported by Keith Curtis)
* Version 1.4.3 (Stable)
- Fixes a grave bug that caused continuous feed
downloads when the default update interval is
set to 0, which is to mean disabled.
- Fixes assertions in db_item_check() and db_query_to_sql() for search
folders that do not have rules. (reported by pochu)
- Fixes SF #1798880: problem when using Ctrl-u
inside a search folder matching unread items. (LP: #102161)
- Fixes Debian #430782: better handling of RSS 2.0
LiveJournal feeds which use lj: prefix for some
HTML elements. (reported by Daniel Jacobowitz)
- Fixes SF #1799476: crash when following links.
(reported by jphendrix) (LP: #141250)
Version 1.4.2b (Stable)
- Fixes compilation problems of GtkHTML2 rendering.
- Fixes SF #1798158: problem with 'mark as read'
option in popup window (reported by zodmaner)
- Now removes leading/trailing white spaces from
feed list node titles. (patch from Christian Dywan)
- Fixes broken HTTP authentication. Auth info was
just not passed with HTTP requests. (reported
by Jim Henderson)
- Fixes Debian #442798: update interval values
isn't correctly updated. Interval unit is lost.
(reported by Yannick Palanque)
* Merge with Debian, remaining Ubuntu changes: rSpec.
Provides/ Replaces) patches/ 00list: treeview. dpatch, since it's fixed since 1.4.2.
- debian/control:
+ Added firefox-dev and intltool to build-deps.
+ Removed libxul-dev from build-deps.
+ Changed Maintainer field to match DebianMaintaine
+ Added firefox to liferea dependencies.
+ Do not build transitional packages (not required due to Conflicts/
- debian/rules:
+ Call intltool-update -p to generate translation template for Rosetta
+ Call dh_iconcache
+ Don't disable gecko
- debian/
+ Do not apply expand_
-- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden> Tue, 25 Sep 2007 16:56:01 +0200