I remember the issue now. The problem is that AppArmorSetSecurityHostdevLabel() is only a stub. It is a stub because while we would want to do something like this:
if (profile_loaded(secdef->imagelabel) >= 0) {
if (load_profile(drv, secdef->imagelabel, vm, NULL) < 0) { virSecurityReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("cannot update AppArmor profile " "\'%s\'"), secdef->imagelabel);
return -1;
we cannot because the 'vm' xml that is passed to virt-aa-helper in this implementation does not have the new xml for the newly attached drive. Indeed
This is not a regression over lucid since it has the same problem and karmic didn't do it either. However, in karmic the /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu had:
# WARNING: uncommenting these gives the guest direct access to host hardware.
# This is required for USB pass through but is a security risk. You have been
# warned.
#/sys/bus/usb/devices/ r,
#/sys/devices/*/*/usb[0-9]*/** r,
#/dev/bus/usb/*/[0-9]* rw,
But in lucid and later we have:
# For hostdev access. The actual devices will be added dynamically
/sys/bus/usb/devices/ r,
/sys/devices/*/*/usb[0-9]*/** r,
part of the functionality for hostdev access was added to virt-aa-helper in lucid and later, but clearly not enough to fully fix hostdev hot attach. So the workaround is to update /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt-qemu to have:
/dev/bus/usb/*/[0-9]* rw,
That does give all guests access to any usb hardware of course, which is not all that great. People can add a more specific rule to /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-<uuid> (not the .files file!) to limit access for a specific guest to a specific USB device.
I remember the issue now. The problem is that AppArmorSetSecu rityHostdevLabe l() is only a stub. It is a stub because while we would want to do something like this: loaded( secdef- >imagelabel) >= 0) {
virSecurit yReportError( VIR_ERR_ INTERNAL_ ERROR,
_("cannot update AppArmor profile "
"\'%s\ '"),
secdef- >imagelabel) ;
if (profile_
if (load_profile(drv, secdef->imagelabel, vm, NULL) < 0) {
return -1;
we cannot because the 'vm' xml that is passed to virt-aa-helper in this implementation does not have the new xml for the newly attached drive. Indeed
This is not a regression over lucid since it has the same problem and karmic didn't do it either. However, in karmic the /etc/apparmor. d/abstractions/ libvirt- qemu had: bus/usb/ devices/ r, devices/ */*/usb[ 0-9]*/* * r, bus/usb/ */[0-9] * rw,
# WARNING: uncommenting these gives the guest direct access to host hardware.
# This is required for USB pass through but is a security risk. You have been
# warned.
But in lucid and later we have: bus/usb/ devices/ r, devices/ */*/usb[ 0-9]*/* * r,
# For hostdev access. The actual devices will be added dynamically
part of the functionality for hostdev access was added to virt-aa-helper in lucid and later, but clearly not enough to fully fix hostdev hot attach. So the workaround is to update /etc/apparmor. d/libvirt- qemu to have: bus/usb/ */[0-9] * rw,
That does give all guests access to any usb hardware of course, which is not all that great. People can add a more specific rule to /etc/apparmor. d/libvirt/ libvirt- <uuid> (not the .files file!) to limit access for a specific guest to a specific USB device.