A: Going modular is an optional configuration step and rather disruptive to the integration of libvirt into the system. There is continuous work to make this smoother, but it wasn't sufficient yet - therefore it isn't configured and build that way yet. It will be some day, but for now virtnetworkd and any virt*d are not missing, they are just part of the old style monolithic libvirtd.
Q: libvirtd create device without interfaces, so I couldn't bring it up and it does not work
A: On my 22.04.1 things work just fine, but maybe it is just a lack of detail in your request.
Your output likes like that of "brctl show" and an empty bridge (actually a bridge in nat mode to be more specific). Looks like this:
$ brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
virbr0 8000.525400d7d5df yes
So the bridge has a host network interface (virbr0 itself) but no associated interfaces right now. If I attach guests then it gets interfaces attached like veth03fabd4e.
All seems to work fine, but I'm sure you have a more specific need and configuration, yet missed to outline what and how you do. That is the default of "install libvirt, and it works", anything you configure/change in your setup would be great to be explained here.
-> Setting to incomplete until we understand the issue.
You didn't explain how you instruct libvirt to create your bridges, which is important to try to recreate your problem and to try to help further.
General instructions how to do bridges via netplan and use them in libvirt are at [1], have you done it like that?
Hi Ant
Q: Why Ubuntu doesn't have virtnetworkd?
A: Going modular is an optional configuration step and rather disruptive to the integration of libvirt into the system. There is continuous work to make this smoother, but it wasn't sufficient yet - therefore it isn't configured and build that way yet. It will be some day, but for now virtnetworkd and any virt*d are not missing, they are just part of the old style monolithic libvirtd.
Q: libvirtd create device without interfaces, so I couldn't bring it up and it does not work
A: On my 22.04.1 things work just fine, but maybe it is just a lack of detail in your request.
Your output likes like that of "brctl show" and an empty bridge (actually a bridge in nat mode to be more specific). Looks like this:
$ brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
virbr0 8000.525400d7d5df yes
Configured (the default) via: default< /name> ebd0dd56- 10b5-45e9- abfe-bd5dc15b20 e9</uuid> '52:54: 00:d7:d5: df'/> '192.168. 123.1' netmask= '255.255. 255.0'> 192.168. 123.2' end='192. 168.123. 254'/>
$ virsh net-dumpxml default
<forward mode='nat'>
<port start='1024' end='65535'/>
<bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0'/>
<mac address=
<ip address=
<range start='
So the bridge has a host network interface (virbr0 itself) but no associated interfaces right now. If I attach guests then it gets interfaces attached like veth03fabd4e.
All seems to work fine, but I'm sure you have a more specific need and configuration, yet missed to outline what and how you do. That is the default of "install libvirt, and it works", anything you configure/change in your setup would be great to be explained here.
-> Setting to incomplete until we understand the issue.
You didn't explain how you instruct libvirt to create your bridges, which is important to try to recreate your problem and to try to help further.
General instructions how to do bridges via netplan and use them in libvirt are at [1], have you done it like that?
[1]: https:/ /netplan. io/examples# configuring- network- bridges