Checking that in Disco confirms the same behavior:
[Di, 08 Okt 2019 07:19:27 virt-manager 12667] DEBUG (storage:719) Creating storage volume 'ubuntu19.04.qcow2' with xml: <volume> <name>ubuntu19.04.qcow2</name> <capacity>16106127360</capacity> <allocation>16106127360</allocation> <target> <format type="qcow2"/> <features> <lazy_refcounts/> </features> </target> </volume>
Into: /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=falloc,compat=1.1,lazy_refcounts /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu19.04.qcow2 15728640K
So this might be - after all - the libvirt change in >=Cosmic?
Checking that in Disco confirms the same behavior:
[Di, 08 Okt 2019 07:19:27 virt-manager 12667] DEBUG (storage:719) Creating storage volume 'ubuntu19.04.qcow2' with xml: ubuntu19. 04.qcow2< /name> 16106127360< /capacity> 16106127360< /allocation> lazy_refcounts/ >
<format type="qcow2"/>
Into: falloc, compat= 1.1,lazy_ refcounts /var/lib/ libvirt/ images/ ubuntu19. 04.qcow2 15728640K
/usr/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=
So this might be - after all - the libvirt change in >=Cosmic?