Since "the dawn of ages" a.k.a commit 51a4814f "Imported Upstream version 0.7.2" virt-aa-helper filters some paths [1].
/sys is one of them.
There is the feature to override certain sub-paths which is almost as old [2]:
We will have to register "/sys/kernel/config/target/vhost" there as well.
[1]:;a=blob;f=src/security/virt-aa-helper.c;hb=bbaecd6a8f15345bc822ab4b79eb0955986bb2fd#l467 [2]:;a=commit;h=1efb6236744632c579049ee610dc1c8a42b3ee3d
Since "the dawn of ages" a.k.a commit 51a4814f "Imported Upstream version 0.7.2" virt-aa-helper filters some paths [1].
/sys is one of them.
There is the feature to override certain sub-paths which is almost as old [2]:
We will have to register "/sys/kernel/ config/ target/ vhost" there as well.
[1]: https:/ /libvirt. org/git/ ?p=libvirt. git;a=blob; f=src/security/ virt-aa- helper. c;hb=bbaecd6a8f 15345bc822ab4b7 9eb0955986bb2fd #l467 /libvirt. org/git/ ?p=libvirt. git;a=commit; h=1efb623674463 2c579049ee610dc 1c8a42b3ee3d
[2]: https:/