Comment 0 for bug 1090703

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korystuvach (korystuvach) wrote :

I use some Ubuntu web applications. Yes, this is really nice idea, but one thing makes me sad.

All web applications look like a one more openned browser's window, and not as standalone application.

To fix It I propose to give an answers for these questions:

1. It it possible to open web application in separate browser window which will not be connected to regular browser session? For now if I open for example GMail web app then I see two icons in Alt+Tab: Firefox and GMail.

2. Is it possible to open web application in separate browser window and hide: address bar, tabs bar, main browser menu, etc?

3. Is it possible to open urls in main browser session window and not in a tab near web application. For example: I receive new mail with some link inside, I click on that link and new tab appears in the same window. But still in Alt+Tab I see it as GMail... So summarizing it: is it possible to set tabs limit to 1 for every web application browser window?

Of course this are rather new feature requests than defects.