I enabled proposed repository and tested the new libspectre build.
The documents are shown now, but the rotation is incorrect (upside down).
So I marked as "verification-failed".
I examined your debdiff file and I realized that the following fact causes a new issue.
Ghostscript consideres "+90deg rotation" as "rotate 90deg CLOCKWISE"
but PostScript considers "+90deg rotation" as "rotate 90 deg COUNTER-CLOCKWISE".
So you should change the sign when you pass a rotation angle as a PostScript command.
I will attach a new patch file fixing this issue.
Can you review my patch?
Thanks Till, Sebastien and other contributors!
I enabled proposed repository and tested the new libspectre build.
The documents are shown now, but the rotation is incorrect (upside down). failed" .
So I marked as "verification-
I examined your debdiff file and I realized that the following fact causes a new issue.
Ghostscript consideres "+90deg rotation" as "rotate 90deg CLOCKWISE"
but PostScript considers "+90deg rotation" as "rotate 90 deg COUNTER-CLOCKWISE".
So you should change the sign when you pass a rotation angle as a PostScript command.
I will attach a new patch file fixing this issue.
Can you review my patch?