Comment 18 for bug 949997

Revision history for this message
In , Pierre-yves-samyn (pierre-yves-samyn) wrote :


Another (easy) way to reproduce :

1. File> New> Presentation> Empty presentation> Create (same problem with an existing one)
2. View > Outline
3. Type something (A for instance)
4. Edit> Undo (or Ctrl+Z)

Actual result : apparently nothing
Expected result : undo insert

5. Enter => Crash

Reproduced (fr-discuss) with :
- Ubuntu 11.10 - LibO 3.4.5
- Win XP SP3 - LibO 3.4.5
- Win XP SP3 - LibO 3.5.0

Not reproduced with Ubuntu 11.04 avec LibO 3.3.x
