On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation.
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left) http://www-look-4.com/
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e63e6a27ee05b9a6834e4e49a4 http://www.compilatori.com/
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@62-merge-TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL http://www.wearelondonmade.com/
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFormula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http://www.jopspeech.com/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.
On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation. http://joerg.li/
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left)
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e63e6a27ee05b9a6834e4e49a4
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@62-merge-TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL http://embermanchester.uk/
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFormula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http://www.slipstone.co.uk/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.
On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation.
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left) http://www.acpirateradio.co.uk/
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with https://waytowhatsnext.com/
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e63e6a27ee05b9a6834e4e49a4
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@62-merge-TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL https://www.webb-dev.co.uk/
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFormula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http://www.iu-bloomington.com/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.
On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation.
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left) http:// www-look- 4.com/
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with 63e6a27ee05b9a6 834e4e49a4 http:// www.compilatori .com/ 62-merge- TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44 www.wearelondon made.com/
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL http://
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFor mula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http:// www.jopspeech. com/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.
On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation. http:// joerg.li/
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left)
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Hmm... http:// connstr. net/
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with 63e6a27ee05b9a6 834e4e49a4 62-merge- TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44 embermanchester .uk/
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL http://
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFor mula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http:// www.slipstone. co.uk/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.
http:// www.logoarts. co.uk/
On Windows builds, the shortcut on the menu entry is just Ctrl, and does toggle the formula <> calculation.
But the expected shortcut <Ctrl>+` toggles the view of the cell. (On en-US 102 keyboard that is combined with the ~ key upper left) http:// www.acpiraterad io.co.uk/
Customize keyboard for Calc or LibreOffice shows no keys assigned to the View -> Show Formula action.
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (1607) en-US with https:/ /waytowhatsnext .com/ 63e6a27ee05b9a6 834e4e49a4 62-merge- TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2016-10-20_06:56:44 /www.webb- dev.co. uk/ mula) has been assigned[1] to "QUOTELEFT_MOD1" since the OOo days, but i recently added it to the view menu in master.
Build ID: c2b48a763df113e
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;
TinderBox: Win-x86@
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: CL
The show formula uno command (.uno:ToggleFor
I noticed the shortcut a few days ago when i was in the menu and found it was strange as well to say 'grave'. :D http:// www.iu- bloomington. com/
So i'm assuming we should show the character rather than naming it, like we do with command and semi colon.