Comment 13 for bug 1093765

Revision history for this message
In , penalvch (penalvch) wrote :

As per downstream report :

1) lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu 13.04
Release: 13.04

2) apt-cache policy libreoffice-writer
  Installed: 1:4.0.2-0ubuntu1
  Candidate: 1:4.0.2-0ubuntu1
  Version table:
 *** 1:4.0.2-0ubuntu1 0
        500 raring/main i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

3) What is expected to happen in Writer via a terminal:
cd ~/Desktop && wget && lowriter --nologo test-bug1093765.doc

is select all -> change combo box Apply Style from Text Body to Heading 1 and the text style changes, preserving the character order.

4) What happens instead is:
(Example text=) טקסט לדוגמה

changes to:
טקסט לדוגמה (=Example text)

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Word Version 14.0.6023.1000 (32-bit) changes it to:
=)טקסט לדוגמהExample text(