I'm not an expert, but it seems that the pace of Apple's OS changes and the updates needed by the libimobiledevice team to keep up with them might mean that one cannot rely on either Ubuntu's packaging of libimobiledevice or a separate ppa, but must just build things from the git repository, if you know how.
At this point I changed my LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/local/libimobiledevice/lib at the front, so ifuse, etc., will load the new library instead of the pre-installed one. I use tcsh so that command looks like
I'm not an expert, but it seems that the pace of Apple's OS changes and the updates needed by the libimobiledevice team to keep up with them might mean that one cannot rely on either Ubuntu's packaging of libimobiledevice or a separate ppa, but must just build things from the git repository, if you know how.
This worked for me:
19 16:35 git clone https:/ /github. com/libimobiled evice/libimobil edevice. git /usr/local/ libimobiledevic e
20 16:35 cd libimobiledevice
21 16:35 ./autogen.sh --prefix=
22 16:36 make
23 16:36 sudo make install
At this point I changed my LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/local/ libimobiledevic e/lib at the front, so ifuse, etc., will load the new library instead of the pre-installed one. I use tcsh so that command looks like
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/ libimobiledevic e/lib:
Then the following worked (after some fidgeting, rebooting my iPod Touch, etc.):
37 16:44 idevicepair pair
38 16:45 ifuse /media/iPod/
At least I can load my music into Rhythmbox, etc.