I just was able to recreate the successful download with gtkam.
1. Start gtkam an manually "add camera" and choose Nikon Coolpix 990 on USB port, with slower speed of 57600 under "enhanced" and "allow multiple frontends" checked.
2. Quit gtkam.
3. Connect the camera and switch camera on (Dial "Play" on the Coolpix)
4. Start gtkam again, walk the file hierarchy slowly and with single clicks to the folder named "100NIKON", download photos with right-click and "save" on thumbnail. (you have to check "Save photos" in the save dialogue). It seems to be sensitive to doubleclicks on folders, by which I mean it stalls when downloading the thumbnails.
I just was able to recreate the successful download with gtkam.
1. Start gtkam an manually "add camera" and choose Nikon Coolpix 990 on USB port, with slower speed of 57600 under "enhanced" and "allow multiple frontends" checked.
2. Quit gtkam.
3. Connect the camera and switch camera on (Dial "Play" on the Coolpix)
4. Start gtkam again, walk the file hierarchy slowly and with single clicks to the folder named "100NIKON", download photos with right-click and "save" on thumbnail. (you have to check "Save photos" in the save dialogue). It seems to be sensitive to doubleclicks on folders, by which I mean it stalls when downloading the thumbnails.