Comment 0 for bug 1579552

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Jamie Lokier (jamie-shareable) wrote : libcoro-perl not available in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I am surprised nobody reported this as a bug, so I have created it as a placeholder.

Anyone who searches for the present status of Coro with Perl 5.22 will quickly find there are maintenance problems due to differences of opinion. Builds fail, and it is understandable that it would be dropped or deprioritised.

On the other hand, it does have a number of innocent users who have done nothing wrong except use it, and dependent packages that fail to build, and it's not easy to replace its functionality.

It's an unpleasant surprise to upgrade a server to Ubuntu 16.04 and find a load of Perl code stopped working which is difficult to fix (without rearchitecting applications), simply due to the minor version change to Perl 5.22 which isn't supposed to break that much.

There are a few proposed patches around. However this patch by Nicholas Clark is the only one I've seen that makes the claim to avoid affecting the Perl installation or binary compatibility:

I don't know if that patch is adequate but if it is, given the LTS status of Ubuntu 16.04 meaning it is unlikely to change Perl minor version, if that patch makes libcoro-perl work and the dependent packages build again, it would seem a good thing to do.