Note, this courier is not from xfonts-75dpi but from xfonts-bolkhov-75dpi. Might have to coax gnome-terminal into crashing by trying to change the font.
Can get firefox to crash too by changing using:
Fonts for: Western
Sans-serif and serif fonts to 'Serene'
fixed width to 'Courier'
Default character encoding to be ISO-8859-1
For the rendering bug on a Gutsy desktop:
$ sudo apt-get install xfonts-bolkhov-75dpi
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config (and enable bitmapped fonts by default)
$ sudo fc-cache -fv
Now go to System/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts
Change the Window Title Font to Serene. Pre-patched libcairo2 will show the 'Preview text', patched libcairo2 will not.
Here is a reproducer for the crasher, not the rendering bug:
$ sudo apt-get install xfonts- bolkhov- 75dpi gnome-terminal firefox terminal/ profiles/ Default/ use_system_ font --type bool false terminal/ profiles/ Default/ font --type string "Courier 10" with-profile= Default
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config (and enable bitmapped fonts by default)
$ sudo fc-cache -fv
$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-
$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-
$ gnome-terminal --window-
Note, this courier is not from xfonts-75dpi but from xfonts- bolkhov- 75dpi. Might have to coax gnome-terminal into crashing by trying to change the font.
Can get firefox to crash too by changing using:
Fonts for: Western
Sans-serif and serif fonts to 'Serene'
fixed width to 'Courier'
Default character encoding to be ISO-8859-1
For the rendering bug on a Gutsy desktop: bolkhov- 75dpi
$ sudo apt-get install xfonts-
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config (and enable bitmapped fonts by default)
$ sudo fc-cache -fv
Now go to System/ Preferences/ Appearance/ Fonts
Change the Window Title Font to Serene. Pre-patched libcairo2 will show the 'Preview text', patched libcairo2 will not.