Deleting old fonts is not good for many person, it will deprive many person’s chance of font selection. many person’s preference should be kept within the distribution, otherwise ubuntu will lose many users.
Font can be handeled as many software, but it is not a program. it’s a tool to express users’ characteristic and their taste, and a very valuable asset of each users, even if there is so much few users.
changwoo said that, this discussion is just for changing from Nanum to Noto sans as a default font. This is really important thing should not forget. there should not be any matter related on font deletion. Linux is not Windows and/or Mac OS which does not have any freedom to change something as many users want.
Deleting old fonts is not good for many person, it will deprive many person’s chance of font selection. many person’s preference should be kept within the distribution, otherwise ubuntu will lose many users.
Font can be handeled as many software, but it is not a program. it’s a tool to express users’ characteristic and their taste, and a very valuable asset of each users, even if there is so much few users.
changwoo said that, this discussion is just for changing from Nanum to Noto sans as a default font. This is really important thing should not forget. there should not be any matter related on font deletion. Linux is not Windows and/or Mac OS which does not have any freedom to change something as many users want.