We just discussed this on #ubuntu-desktop - I think this is the plan
- Add fcitx & friends to 'live' seed (dropping ibus-pinyin & others at the same time), so that it's installed in the live session (it needs to be started up before the session starts) but not in the target by default.
- Add it to pkg_depends of language-selector (per #1431337), so that check-language-support -l zh_CN returns fcitx packages.
+ This will cause the installer to keep fcitx only when the selected language is Chinese, and remove it otherwise.
+ In installed systems, language-selector will prompt to install fcitx.
- If necessary (not sure if it is), fix language-selector to select fcitx as IM for Chinese when there is no pre-existing configuration.
+ We don't try to change .xinputrc for existing users.
To test this effectively, we have to do the seed change - the rest can be done locally.
Not acking the FFe yet, but please (temporarily for now) go ahead with the above seed change.
We just discussed this on #ubuntu-desktop - I think this is the plan
- Add fcitx & friends to 'live' seed (dropping ibus-pinyin & others at the same time), so that it's installed in the live session (it needs to be started up before the session starts) but not in the target by default. support -l zh_CN returns fcitx packages.
- Add it to pkg_depends of language-selector (per #1431337), so that check-language-
+ This will cause the installer to keep fcitx only when the selected language is Chinese, and remove it otherwise.
+ In installed systems, language-selector will prompt to install fcitx.
- If necessary (not sure if it is), fix language-selector to select fcitx as IM for Chinese when there is no pre-existing configuration.
+ We don't try to change .xinputrc for existing users.
To test this effectively, we have to do the seed change - the rest can be done locally.
Not acking the FFe yet, but please (temporarily for now) go ahead with the above seed change.