El dv 20 de 08 de 2010 a les 15:41 +0000, en/na Henning Eggers va
> David,
> I am not sure about languagepack creation here. Does Launchpad export po files or mo files? Does the mo creation happen on Launchpad or is that part of langpack-o-matic's job?
Launchpad exports PO files, you can see them here:
El dv 20 de 08 de 2010 a les 15:41 +0000, en/na Henning Eggers va
> David,
> I am not sure about languagepack creation here. Does Launchpad export po files or mo files? Does the mo creation happen on Launchpad or is that part of langpack-o-matic's job?
Launchpad exports PO files, you can see them here:
https:/ /translations. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ maverick/ +language- packs
Langpack-o-matic then takes care of building the mo files that are
shipped in language packs.