I tested successfully landscape-client and landscape-common packages from {trusty,xenial,bionic,cosmic}-proposed. As in the test case, masked systemd-logind.
After triggering reboots from landscape on all of those. All machines both force-rebooted as would be expected, and surfaced the error to the web interface https://screenshots.firefox.com/bCPz5KxKkx4yG5hl/landscape.canonical.com
I tested successfully landscape-client and landscape-common packages from {trusty, xenial, bionic, cosmic} -proposed. As in the test case, masked systemd-logind.
After triggering reboots from landscape on all of those. All machines both force-rebooted as would be expected, and surfaced the error to the web interface /screenshots. firefox. com/bCPz5KxKkx4 yG5hl/landscape .canonical. com