OK, however the translations catalogue isn't being loaded.
Running this shows the normal kdelibs catalogs and bits like bluedevil.mo and keyboard.mo but no notificationhelper.mo
strace kded4 --nofork 2>&1 | grep MESSAGES
I don't know how kded decides which if any catalogue to load, possibly a KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("notificationhelper"); in the right place is what's needed
OK, however the translations catalogue isn't being loaded.
Running this shows the normal kdelibs catalogs and bits like bluedevil.mo and keyboard.mo but no notificationhel per.mo
strace kded4 --nofork 2>&1 | grep MESSAGES
I don't know how kded decides which if any catalogue to load, possibly a KGlobal: :locale( )->insertCatalo g("notification helper" ); in the right place is what's needed