* [23957fd] Imported Upstream version 0.8~alpha3+dfsg+svn152
- Now the help menu works.(Closes: #525891)
* [eee96d0] Updated files in debian/conf/ needed by clean target
* [de5e181] 01_add_lfontocnfig.patch, 02_fix_overflow.patch,
03_add_lfontconfig.patch, 04_fix_path.patch,
05_remove_nonfree.patch, 06_syspref_folder_support.patch,
07_cairo_xlib.patch, 08_security.patch,
09_add_missing_tab_indentation.patch, 90_CVE-2009-1044.patch, are
now in upstream, deleted.
* [2609c1e] debian/patches/01_r153.patch: Fixed a chrome registration
problem related to the "help" window.
* [92f61aa] debian/patches/19_gcc4.4.patch: Fix FTBFS with GCC 4.4.
(no longer allows #elif without an expression) (Closes: #526161)
* [6c824b4] debian/patches/90_CVE-2009-1044.patch: Fix Arbitrary code
execution via XUL tree element (CVE-2009-1044)
* [27275e6] debian/patches/90_CVE-2009-1311.patch: Fix POST data sent
to wrong site when saving web page with embedded frame (CVE-2009-1311)
(MFSA 2009-21)
* [3b1eb19] debian/patches/90_CVE-2009-0776.patch: Updated fix for
CVE-2009-0776, previous fix was incomplete. (MFSA 2009-09)
* [8feadce] debian/patches/20_mips64_build.patch: Patch from Martin
Michlmayr for mips64 builds. bz#330626
debian/patches/21_mips_xpcom.patch: Patch from Thiemo Seufer to fix
mips. bz#258429
debian/patches/22_mips_performance.patch: Patch from Thiemo Seufer to
increase stability and performance on mips.
* [e7add6a] debian/rules: Fix get-orig-source target for working also
with epoch in version
* [5577bd3] Build with "-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -g", hopefully it
fixes FTBFS in s390
* [ebcecc1] debian/kompozer.desktop: Added Network in Categories
* [32daadd] debian/patches/13_kbsd.patch: GNU/kFreeBSD support.
* [db6d79f] debian/patches/14_distclean.patch: Make distclean cleaner.
* [dd57bbd] debian/patches/15_system_libs.patch: Make sure we won't be
bitten by upstream changing libjpeg, libpng or zlib internal
version, which makes system library not used even though --with-
system-* argument is given to configure.
* [a59f082] debian/patches/16_uname.patch: Use ${host_*} variables
instead of uname in configure.in. This is a minimalist patch to
solve the particular bad assembler choice issue. It would need a
much greater work to actually do something totally clean, but the
current patch should be enough for Linux builds. Also incorporates
fix for bz#363263.
* [c39c0c3] debian/patches/17_locale.patch: use OS locale. bz#331779
* [f62a517] Refreshed debian/patches/99_configure.patch
* [c2aec04] debian/patches/18_crmf.patch: Put the crmf library before
the NSS libraries.
* New upstream svn version. This fixes a lot of Ubuntu bugs:
(LP: #347779) (LP: #260021) (LP: #276290) (LP: #152516) (LP: #263441)
(LP: #244227) (LP: #365163)
* Bump epoch to avoid delta between Ubuntu and Debian.
* [2b0d5d2] debian/mozconfig.debian: Added --enable-canvas --disable-
elf-dynstr-gc --disable-gtktest --disable-strip --disable-strip-lib
--disable-updater --enable-official-branding
* [58bc5ec] debian/patches/06_syspref_folder_support.patch: Patch to
load preferences from defaults/syspref
* [5db111f] debian/kompozer.desktop: added MimeType
* [88a4ab1] debian/kompozer.desktop: Added the generic name
* [9e38c8e] debian/kompozer.menu: ship debian menu entry
* [17831bb] debian/kompozer.js: ship the Debian specific preferences
file for KompoZer, now with this file and all files present in the
/etc/kompozer/pref directory, user can override any preference that
is present in /usr/share/kompozer/defaults/pref directory.
* [642e966] debian/mozconfig.debian: Remove official branding
* [8b67607] debian/patches/07_cairo_xlib.patch: Properly get cairo lib
dependencies and don't rely on GTK bringing them, which just don't
happen anymore.
* [ea87e1a] debian/patches/99_configure.patch: update configure with
* [0c62141] debian/kompozer.js: Added editor browser pref
* [f0273c2] debian/patches/05_remove_nonfree.patch: do not remove
content/editor/about-footer.png, is free
* [235ef5c] debian/rules: Improved
* [4940a7f] debian/kompozer.menu: Use kompozer.xpm as icon
* [f62877e] debian/kompozer.desktop: Added some common mimetypes for a
web editor. (LP: #175563)
* [d808b87] debian/kompozer.desktop: Moved to Development category in
desktop file. (LP: #148935)
* [5ce3f81] debian/kompozer.desktop: Added Spanish comment
translation, thanks to Surfaz Gemon Meme
* [e1c2a9b] debian/kompozer.desktop: Added Italian comment
* [d92bc8b] Enabling xpfe components
* [c3c3a6f] debian/control: Add a conflict to support upgrade from old
ubuntu package
* [2adf6d7] Backport some security fix from Seamonkey:
- MFSA 2009-12 XSL Transformation vulnerability (CVE-2009-1169)
- MFSA 2009-10 Upgrade PNG library to fix memory safety hazards
- MFSA 2009-09 XML data theft via RDFXMLDataSource and cross-domain
redirect (CVE-2009-0776)
- MFSA 2009-07 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (CVE-2009-0771)
- MFSA 2009-05 XMLHttpRequest allows reading HTTPOnly cookies
- MFSA 2009-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (CVE-2009-0352)
* [5f9097d] debian/patches/09_add_missing_tab_indentation.patch:
Makefiles require tabs, otherwise it fails (already committed in
upstream svn r130)
* [1766bbc] debian/kompozer.desktop: Fix a typo
* [0a7846b] Updated to standards version 3.8.1 (No changes needed)
* [4b15157] Add a description in 99_configure.patch and make lintian
* [6e2f116] debian/patches/10_arch-detect.patch: Fix FTBFS in s390,
pass host arch information to configure and trust the supplied
architecture information. Thanks to Bastian Blank.
* [dcf3281] debian/patches/11_arm_xpcom_unused_attribute.patch: Patch
from Steve Langasek to fix unused vs. used gcc attribute on arm.
* [a2409fd] debian/patches/12_arm_xpcom_optim.patch: Patch from Antti
P Miettinen to fix small optimization problem with newer gcc's on
-- Giuseppe Iuculano <email address hidden> Wed, 06 May 2009 20:19:25 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package kompozer - 1:0.8~alpha3+ dfsg+svn152- 1
--------------- alpha3+ dfsg+svn152- 1) unstable; urgency=low
kompozer (1:0.8~
* [23957fd] Imported Upstream version 0.8~alpha3+ dfsg+svn152 lfontocnfig. patch, 02_fix_ overflow. patch, add_lfontconfig .patch, 04_fix_path.patch, remove_ nonfree. patch, 06_syspref_ folder_ support. patch, cairo_xlib. patch, 08_security.patch, add_missing_ tab_indentation .patch, 90_CVE- 2009-1044. patch, are patches/ 01_r153. patch: Fixed a chrome registration
- Now the help menu works.(Closes: #525891)
* [eee96d0] Updated files in debian/conf/ needed by clean target
* [de5e181] 01_add_
now in upstream, deleted.
* [2609c1e] debian/
problem related to the "help" window.
kompozer (1:0.8~ alpha2+ dfsg+svn129- 3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* [92f61aa] debian/ patches/ 19_gcc4. 4.patch: Fix FTBFS with GCC 4.4. patches/ 90_CVE- 2009-1044. patch: Fix Arbitrary code patches/ 90_CVE- 2009-1311. patch: Fix POST data sent patches/ 90_CVE- 2009-0776. patch: Updated fix for patches/ 20_mips64_ build.patch: Patch from Martin patches/ 21_mips_ xpcom.patch: Patch from Thiemo Seufer to fix patches/ 22_mips_ performance. patch: Patch from Thiemo Seufer to
(no longer allows #elif without an expression) (Closes: #526161)
* [6c824b4] debian/
execution via XUL tree element (CVE-2009-1044)
* [27275e6] debian/
to wrong site when saving web page with embedded frame (CVE-2009-1311)
(MFSA 2009-21)
* [3b1eb19] debian/
CVE-2009-0776, previous fix was incomplete. (MFSA 2009-09)
* [8feadce] debian/
Michlmayr for mips64 builds. bz#330626
mips. bz#258429
increase stability and performance on mips.
* [e7add6a] debian/rules: Fix get-orig-source target for working also
with epoch in version
kompozer (1:0.8~ alpha2+ dfsg+svn129- 2) unstable; urgency=low
* [5577bd3] Build with "-O2 -fno-strict- aliasing -g", hopefully it kompozer. desktop: Added Network in Categories patches/ 13_kbsd. patch: GNU/kFreeBSD support. patches/ 14_distclean. patch: Make distclean cleaner. patches/ 15_system_ libs.patch: Make sure we won't be patches/ 16_uname. patch: Use ${host_*} variables patches/ 17_locale. patch: use OS locale. bz#331779 patches/ 99_configure. patch patches/ 18_crmf. patch: Put the crmf library before
fixes FTBFS in s390
* [ebcecc1] debian/
* [32daadd] debian/
* [db6d79f] debian/
* [dd57bbd] debian/
bitten by upstream changing libjpeg, libpng or zlib internal
version, which makes system library not used even though --with-
system-* argument is given to configure.
* [a59f082] debian/
instead of uname in configure.in. This is a minimalist patch to
solve the particular bad assembler choice issue. It would need a
much greater work to actually do something totally clean, but the
current patch should be enough for Linux builds. Also incorporates
fix for bz#363263.
* [c39c0c3] debian/
* [f62a517] Refreshed debian/
* [c2aec04] debian/
the NSS libraries.
kompozer (1:0.8~ alpha2+ dfsg+svn129- 1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream svn version. This fixes a lot of Ubuntu bugs: mozconfig. debian: Added --enable-canvas --disable- updater --enable- official- branding patches/ 06_syspref_ folder_ support. patch: Patch to kompozer. desktop: added MimeType kompozer. desktop: Added the generic name kompozer. menu: ship debian menu entry kompozer/ pref directory, user can override any preference that kompozer/ defaults/ pref directory. mozconfig. debian: Remove official branding patches/ 07_cairo_ xlib.patch: Properly get cairo lib patches/ 99_configure. patch: update configure with patches/ 05_remove_ nonfree. patch: do not remove editor/ about-footer. png, is free kompozer. menu: Use kompozer.xpm as icon kompozer. desktop: Added some common mimetypes for a kompozer. desktop: Moved to Development category in kompozer. desktop: Added Spanish comment kompozer. desktop: Added Italian comment CVE-2009- 0040) CVE-2009- 0357) patches/ 09_add_ missing_ tab_indentation .patch: kompozer. desktop: Fix a typo patches/ 10_arch- detect. patch: Fix FTBFS in s390, patches/ 11_arm_ xpcom_unused_ attribute. patch: Patch patches/ 12_arm_ xpcom_optim. patch: Patch from Antti
(LP: #347779) (LP: #260021) (LP: #276290) (LP: #152516) (LP: #263441)
(LP: #244227) (LP: #365163)
* Bump epoch to avoid delta between Ubuntu and Debian.
* [2b0d5d2] debian/
elf-dynstr-gc --disable-gtktest --disable-strip --disable-strip-lib
* [58bc5ec] debian/
load preferences from defaults/syspref
* [5db111f] debian/
* [88a4ab1] debian/
* [9e38c8e] debian/
* [17831bb] debian/kompozer.js: ship the Debian specific preferences
file for KompoZer, now with this file and all files present in the
is present in /usr/share/
* [642e966] debian/
* [8b67607] debian/
dependencies and don't rely on GTK bringing them, which just don't
happen anymore.
* [ea87e1a] debian/
* [0c62141] debian/kompozer.js: Added editor browser pref
* [f0273c2] debian/
* [235ef5c] debian/rules: Improved
* [4940a7f] debian/
* [f62877e] debian/
web editor. (LP: #175563)
* [d808b87] debian/
desktop file. (LP: #148935)
* [5ce3f81] debian/
translation, thanks to Surfaz Gemon Meme
* [e1c2a9b] debian/
* [d92bc8b] Enabling xpfe components
* [c3c3a6f] debian/control: Add a conflict to support upgrade from old
ubuntu package
* [2adf6d7] Backport some security fix from Seamonkey:
- MFSA 2009-12 XSL Transformation vulnerability (CVE-2009-1169)
- MFSA 2009-10 Upgrade PNG library to fix memory safety hazards
- MFSA 2009-09 XML data theft via RDFXMLDataSource and cross-domain
redirect (CVE-2009-0776)
- MFSA 2009-07 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (CVE-2009-0771)
- MFSA 2009-05 XMLHttpRequest allows reading HTTPOnly cookies
- MFSA 2009-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (CVE-2009-0352)
* [5f9097d] debian/
Makefiles require tabs, otherwise it fails (already committed in
upstream svn r130)
* [1766bbc] debian/
* [0a7846b] Updated to standards version 3.8.1 (No changes needed)
* [4b15157] Add a description in 99_configure.patch and make lintian
* [6e2f116] debian/
pass host arch information to configure and trust the supplied
architecture information. Thanks to Bastian Blank.
* [dcf3281] debian/
from Steve Langasek to fix unused vs. used gcc attribute on arm.
* [a2409fd] debian/
P Miettinen to fix small optimization problem with newer gcc's on
-- Giuseppe Iuculano <email address hidden> Wed, 06 May 2009 20:19:25 +0100