Comment 0 for bug 1571299

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Martin Naewe (martin-naewe) wrote :

1) When using "archive project", I choose a file path and want to archive (none of the checkboxes ticked).
It always stops archiving with message: Cannot create directory <My choosen path>/videos/.

2) When I start archiving compressed, it compresses 1 of my 7 projects to a invalid tar.gz file.

3) When relocating original video files (or using a different PC for de-archiving) it doesn't find any video clips. (Also searching recursively in the import directory structure doesn't help). The file path of clips is not adapted in the kdenlive project file.
I don't know when this should happen? During the archive or during the de-archive???

Currently using Kdenlive 15.12.03 with Kubuntu 16.04.

KDE Frameworks 5.18.0
Qt 5.5.1 (built against 5.5.1)
The xcb windowing system