Comment 4 for bug 330116

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package kdenetwork - 4:4.2.2-1ubuntu1

kdenetwork (4:4.2.2-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low

  [ Richard A. Johnson ]
  * Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
    - kubuntu_01_suid_kppp.diff: launches kppp with kdesudo
    - kubuntu_04_fix_kopete_nowlistening_wording.diff: only shows that Amarok 2
      is supported. Hides Noatun and Kaffeine support due to them not being
      available for KDE 4/DBus. This should be applied upstream.
    - kubuntu_05_samba_kcm_crash_fix.diff: fixes kcm crash
    - kubuntu_06_samba_kcm_global_config_crash.diff: fixes kcm crash

  [ Jonathan Thomas ]
  * Merge things a bit more (LP: #330116):
    - Suggest libjasper-runtime only, it's in universe

kdenetwork (4:4.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - Fix in kopete autoreplace plugin on incoming messages. (Closes: #265356)
    - kopete/ICQ: You can add yourself to the contact list. (Closes: #398286)
    - kget does not ignore upload limits. (Closes: #406143)
    - kopete/jabber: allow edit or create vCard. (Closes: #408905)
    - Fix kget crashes when pausing some files. (Closes: #410743, #440526)
    - Fix going auto-away while typing without moving mouse in kopete. (Closes: #448009)
    - kget allow pause/resume multiple files. (Closes: #372927)
  * Update from libortp7-dev to libortp-dev. (Closes: #519616)

 -- <email address hidden> (Richard A. Johnson) Tue, 05 May 2009 16:45:55 -0500