Comment 9 for bug 525005

Revision history for this message
Dean Montgomery (dmonty) wrote :

So Sitter is suggesting that FAM is removed because it is only useful for NFS diskless systems and adds bloat to regular systems. NFS diskless systems is a huge time-saver for rolling out Linux in schools as you can centrally manage the OS and documents for close to 200 workstations and thousands of users on a single server/file system. Even shared NFS drop-box folders break when FAM isn't working.

I couldn't find a mailing list or bug-reporting system on the inotify website. Google search indicates that inotifiy does not have proper nfs support.

FAM however is known to work with NFS - we have FAM working on Debian kde 3.5 as it is built with FAM support. However *buntu kde 4 does not have FAM support so it isn't working well with diskless. We would like to migrate from Debian to *butnu desktop as the software is up-to-date and a bit more end-user-friendly.